As a user of the Microsoft Windows operating system, I find it quite surprising to find out that my calculator application has a free version. It should have been obvious to me that there is no free calculator application for my operating system. If there was, then I would not be using this application and would probably use my PC Calculator which is a free application. Calculating the answer to a question, when I know it is correct but can't seem to get it, is frustrating. If there were calculators available for free, I would most certainly download it.
Software Application Management Clinic - Medical Clinic @ ¡GRATIS!, written by Carlos Alves-Aguirre; Calcio, written by Pablo Cunha; Culex, written by David Risall; and Culex, written by Francisco Varela, all available in Microsoft Windows Vista. The software applications are part of an application called Culex, which allows users to share their calculators on the internet. They are very useful for people who want to share their calculator with others. The free version does not allow sharing, however. However, there are other free versions available in this website.
For those who want to download this software free of cost, you can download the software from the site below. You should know that the application is not compatible with Windows Vista. For that reason, the calculator cannot be used to calculate the answer to the questions related to medical problems and health.